Scott MartindaleUntil today, the stock market had lost its year-end traction, and it is exclusively due to the unresolved Federal budget and the looming Fiscal Cliff and debt ceiling. Optimism among investors that something will certainly get done had fallen victim to political theater and the reality that our elected officials view compromise as a sure path to losing their next election.

smartindale / Tag: sectors, ETF, IYF, XLF, KRE, CSE, BPOP, MTB, SBNY, FRC / 0 Comments

Clearly the market wants the fiscal cliff resolved and in a way that doesn’t destroy or seriously hurt the economy.  Today was proof.  President Obama and House Speaker Boehner’s 45 minute meeting generated a solid market advance in excess of 1%, despite a horrid Empire State Manufacturing index release.  The days remaining until “the cliff” are dwindling fast.

david / Tag: INGR, SFD, OIS, SPPI / 0 Comments

Scott MartindaleSanta Claus is trying his hardest to keep spirits bright among stock investors. But the President and the House are not playing nice and just might find a lump of coal in their stockings. Neither appears willing to give an inch, so some observers predict that we will indeed go over the fiscal cliff, at least until mid-January.

smartindale / Tag: ETF, sectors, iShares, SPY, VIX, iyw, IYK, IYH, IYF, IYE, IYJ, IYC, IYZ, IYM, IDU, AAPL, CERN, TECD, NVR, SJM, TIF, JOSB / 0 Comments

We will definitely face more of the same this week as we have the past week.  There seems to be some progress between the President and Congress, but it’s anybody’s guess what combination of increased revenue and reduced expenses will survive political battle.  It will probably be some combination of increased taxes on the top 2% of our wealthiest citizens and some reduction in medical spending.  Who knows what else?  More on that later.

david / Tag: GLW, DLLR, JBLU, MYL / 0 Comments

EQR offers clients an objective and unbiased assessment of a company’s relative potential risk due to accrual accounting practices as reflected in key relationships among information contained in the firm’s income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

walter / Tag: / 0 Comments

Scott MartindaleI am not going to mention the nickname for the dominant issue of the day, since you are probably on the verge of screaming if you here it again (hint: initials are F.C.). But, unfortunately, we all remain hostage to the relentless political posturing of our elected officials during these critical budget negotiations. Not that we haven’t asked for it.

smartindale / Tag: ETF, sectors, iShares, iyw, IYK, IYH, IYF, IYE, IYJ, IYC, IYM, IYZ, IDU, AAPL, SPY, VIX, MW, STX, OCN, WNR, IDCC, PII / 0 Comments

Scott Brown, President of Sabrient Systems, will be live on the Business News Network at 1:30 pm PT to reveal Sabrient's top stock picks.

walter / Tag: / 0 Comments

Today was an inauspicious start to December.  Based on positive pre-opening behavior from Europe, including a number of positive PMI’s (purchasing manager indices), as well as a positive November PMI of 52.8 from our own economy (up from 51.0 in October), our domestic markets opened up about 0.5%.

david / Tag: Dk, MX, CRUS / 0 Comments