Today, the market continued its tortuous path of the last two weeks, falling sharply virtually the entire day with the DJI ending down 326 points, the S&P 500 down 2.3% (it’s worst day since June 20, 2013), and the NASDAQ down 2.6%.  We are now down about 6% from the S&P 500’s high on January 15.  A drop of 10% is generally thought of as correction, so we have another 4% or so to fall. 

david / Tag: AFSI, TPRE, LAD / 0 Comments

Today’s major indices ended in the black, and we believe the market is more likely to continue to go up than down over the remainder of the year. That said, the market is being buffeted by a number of strong headwinds. 

The Syrian crisis tops the list, with the expected outcome changing almost hourly. Surprises have been frequent. The British decided against involvement. President Obama decided to go to Congress.  Congress is waffling as usual, but Obama is getting a little more support than initially expected.

david / Tag: PRAA, TRN, AFSI / 0 Comments

The market continues to creep upward, with the short-term trend clearly positive albeit on quite low volume.  The S&P 500 remains above its 50-day and 200-day moving average, but as we head into the current week, our concern is about conviction within the marketplace.  The ECRI (Economic Cycle Research Institute) finally gave a positive uptick last week, but it would be early to conclude that we’re on a strong uptrend.

david / Tag: AFSI, AMZN, CYD, GOOG, HP, IBM, LPNT, VSH / 0 Comments