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4th Qtr Baker's Dozen Portfolio UIT Launched  

October 18, 2024: The 4th Quarter Sabrient Baker's Dozen UIT Portfolio (FYBAFX) was launched by First Trust Portfolios on October 18, 2024. This portfolio invests in top-ranked (at the time of their selection) small-cap stocks that represent a cross-section of industries that Sabrient believes are positioned to perform well in the coming year. The stocks are GARP stocks—stocks that represent "growth at a reasonable price”—and they are meant to be held for the full term of the trust, which terminates January 20, 2026. For a prospectus or fact sheet, please visit First Trust Portfolios.

David Brown's New Investing Book Available for Pre-order

September 12, 2024:  David Brown’s new book How to Build High Performance Stock Portfolios is now available for pre-order. Here’s a link to an informational website to learn more about (and pre-order) the book and learn about some complementary research products we are offering to David’s readers: https://DavidBrownInvestingBook.com

Scott Martindale  by Scott Martindale
  President & CEO, Sabrient Systems LLC

The S&P 500 rose 20.8% during the first three quarters of 2024, which is its best start since 1997 and the best for any presidential election year in history. Moreover, for perspective, the ratio of US stock market capitalization to the global stock market has risen from 30% in 2009 (following the GFC) to almost 50% today. This has happened despite escalation in multiple wars, numerous catastrophic weather events ravaging the country, a highly contentious election tearing apart friends and families, strapped consumers (after 25%+ cumulative inflation over the past few years), falling consumer confidence, and jobs and GDP growth over-reliant on government deficit spending, with national debt approaching $35.7 trillion and rising $2 trillion/year (as debt carrying costs alone cost over $1 trillion/year). Even over the past several days when oil prices spiked above $75/bbl (on sudden escalation in the Middle East conflict) and bond yields surged (with the 10-year reaching 4.05%), the major indexes continue to hold near their highs.

As investor Howard Lindzon (of StockTwits fame) said the other day, “There is a fear trade happening (e.g., gold and bitcoin) while there is growth trade happening. It’s really mind-boggling.” Indeed, many of the most prominent investors are wary, including the likes of Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, and Jeff Bezos, and corporate insider buying has slowed.

I’m not an economist. I started my career as a structural engineer with Chevron Corporation, then earned an MBA in night school and moved into the business side of the company before venturing into the world of investment research. But as a long-time student of the economy and capital markets, combined with my critical-thinking nature and engineering training, I’ve developed a healthy skepticism of numbers presented to me, even from supposedly objective sources like the government. They have to pass the “smell test.”

Of course, the Fed has been basing its monetary policy primarily on metrics calculated by federal agencies regarding inflation, jobs, and GDP. But headline YoY numbers can be illusory—particularly when they are propped up by massive government deficit spending. So, I like to look beyond the headline numbers. For inflation, my skepticism of official numbers (with the long lag times of key components, like shelter cost, and distorted metrics like “owner’s equivalent rent,” which is highly subjective and based on surveys of homeowners) is why I seek alternative metrics like: 1) the annualized rolling 3-month average of month-over-month price changes (which better reflects current trends), 2) a European method (quietly published by the BLS since 2006) called the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), and 3) the real-time, blockchain-based Truflation, which is published daily.

My skepticism was further elevated when I saw the jobs, retail sales, and ISM Services metrics all suddenly perk up in September—right before the election after a lengthy period of decline and contrary to several negative developments like a record divergence between rising consumer credit card debt and falling personal savings and The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence dropping to the bottom of its 2-year range and showing increasing pessimism about labor market conditions.

On the other hand, it is notable that Truflation also has risen quickly over the past couple of weeks to nearly 2.0% YoY, so could this be corroborating the apparent rise in consumer demand? Could it be that the Fed’s dovish pivot and 50-bps rate cut has suddenly emboldened consumers to start spending again and businesses to ramp up hiring? Or are my suspicions correct such that we are in store for more downward revisions on some these rosy metrics post-election? After all, the last set of major revisions in early September showed not just an over-reliance on government jobs and government-supported jobs (through targeted spending bills), but the August household survey showed 66,000 fewer employed than in August 2023, 609,000 more “”part-time for economic reasons,” and 531,000 more “part time for noneconomic reasons,” which implies 1.2 million fewer full-time jobs in August 2024 versus August 2023.

Then along came the big 254,000 jobs gain in the September report that made investors so giddy last week, and the household survey showed 314,000 more employed workers than in September of last year. However, digging into the numbers, there are 555,000 more “”part-time for economic reasons” and 389,000 more “part time for noneconomic reasons,” which suggests 630 million fewer full-time jobs in September 2024 versus September 2023, so it’s no surprise that the average weekly hours worked also fell. Furthermore, government spending (and the growing regulatory state) continues to account for much of the hiring as government jobs have soared by 785,000 (seasonally adjusted) over this 12-month timeframe, which was the largest month-over-month (MoM) gain on record. Also, workers holding multiple jobs hit an all-time high. And notably, native-born workers have lost 1.62 million net jobs since their peak employment in July 2023 while foreign-born workers have gained 1.69 million over the same period.

Hmmm. I continue to see the GDP and jobs growth numbers as something of a mirage in that they have been propped up by government deficit spending (which our leaders euphemistically call “investment”). As you recall, leading into the September FOMC announcement I had been pounding the table on the need for a 50-bps rate cut, which we indeed got. Many observers, and at least one Fed governor, believe it was a mistake to go so big, but as I discussed in my post last month, recessionary pressures were mounting despite the impressive headline numbers, and the pain felt by our trading partners from high US interest rates and a strong dollar essentially required some agreement among the major central banks, particularly Japan and China, to weaken the dollar and thus allow an expansion in global liquidity without inciting capital flight to the US. And the PBOC soon did exactly that—slashing its reserve requirement ratio (RRR), cutting its benchmark interest rate, and loosening scores of rules regarding mortgages and the property market—which has restrengthened the dollar after its summer decline.

Of course, cutting taxes and regulation is the best way to unleash the private sector, but it's often argued that a tax cut without a corresponding reduction in spending only serves to increase the budget deficit and add to the federal debt. In fact, I saw a Harris campaign commercial with an average guy named “Buddy” lamenting that it’s “not cool” with him that Trump would give “billionaires” a tax break because they should “pay their fair share.” But Buddy and Harris both need to know what DataTrek Research has observed—i.e., since 1960, regardless of individual and corporate tax rates, federal receipts have averaged 17% of GDP. This means that raising taxes stunts GDP growth while cutting taxes boosts GDP growth by leaving more money in the pockets of consumers, business owners, and corporations to spend and invest with the wisdom of a free and diverse marketplace (Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”). In other words, the path to rising tax revenues is through strong economic growth—and the best return on capital comes from the private sector, which has proven itself much more adept at determining the most efficient allocation of capital rather than Big Government’s top-down picking of winners and losers, like a politburo.

Nevertheless, given the Fed’s dovish pivot (and despite the “heavy hand” of our federal government), I continue to expect higher prices by year end and into 2025. Bond credit spreads remain tight (i.e., no fear of recession), and although the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is back above the 20 “fear threshold,” it is far from panic levels. So, I believe any “October surprise” that leads to a pre-election selloff—other than a cataclysmic “Black Swan” event—would likely be a welcome buying opportunity, in my view. But besides adding or maintaining exposure to the dominant MAG-7 titans—which provide defensive qualities (due to their disruptive innovation and wide moats) as well as long-term appreciation potential—I think other stocks may offer greater upside as the economic cycle continues its growth run and market rotation/broadening resumes.

So, my suggestions are to buy high-quality businesses at reasonable prices on any pullback, hold inflation hedges like gold and bitcoin, and be prepared to exploit any credit-related panic—both as stocks sell off (such as by buying out-of-the-money put options while VIX is low) and before they rebound (when share prices are low). Regardless, I continue to recommend high-quality, fundamentally strong stocks across all market caps that display consistent, reliable, and accelerating sales and earnings growth, positive revisions to Wall Street analysts’ consensus estimates, rising profit margins and free cash flow, solid earnings quality, and low debt burden. These are the factors Sabrient employs in selecting the growth-oriented Baker’s Dozen (our “Top 13” stocks), the value-oriented Forward Looking Value, the growth & income-oriented Dividend portfolio, and Small Cap Growth, which is an alpha-seeking alternative to a passive position in the Russell 2000.

We also use many of those factors in our SectorCast ETF ranking model. And notably, our Earnings Quality Rank (EQR) is a key factor in each of these models, and it is also licensed to the actively managed, absolute-return-oriented First Trust Long-Short ETF (FTLS).

Each of our key alpha factors and their usage within Sabrient’s Growth, Value, Dividend, and Small Cap investing strategies (which underly those aforementioned portfolios) is discussed in detail in Sabrient founder David Brown’s new book, How to Build High Performance Stock Portfolios, which is now available for pre-order on Amazon at a special pre-order price.

David Brown's book cover

And in conjunction with David’s new book, we are also offering a subscription to our next-generation Sabrient Scorecard for Stocks, which is a downloadable spreadsheet displaying our Top 30 highest-ranked stock picks for each of those 4 investing strategies. And as a bonus, we also provide our Scorecard for ETFs that scores and ranks roughly 1,400 US-listed equity ETFs. Both Scorecards are posted weekly in Excel format and allow you to see how your stocks and ETFs rank in our system…or for identifying the top-ranked stocks and ETFs (or for weighted combinations of our alpha factors). You can learn more about both the book and the next-gen Scorecards (and download a free sample scorecard) at http://DavidBrownInvestingBook.com.

In today’s post, I discuss in greater detail the current trend in inflation, Fed monetary policy, stock valuations, technological trends, and what might lie ahead for the stock market. I also discuss Sabrient’s latest fundamental-based SectorCast quantitative rankings of the ten U.S. business sectors, current positioning of our sector rotation model, and several top-ranked ETF ideas. And be sure to check out my Final Thoughts section with a few off-topic comments on the imminent election and escalating Middle East conflict.

Click here to continue reading my full commentary online or to sign up for email delivery of this monthly market letter. Also, here is a link to this post in printable PDF format. I invite you to share it as appropriate (to the extent your compliance allows).

Here is a link to Sabrient CEO Scott Martindale's appearance on the MoneyLife with Chuck Jaffe daily financial podcast today.

He primarily discusses inflation metrics, with a focus on the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), and his thoughts on Federal Reserve monetary policy, including the appropriate neutral rate and whether a 25 or 50 bps rate cut will be announced at the FOMC meeting on 9/18.

Scott's 12-minute segment starts at the 16-minute mark:


smartindale / Tag: inflation, economy, FED, federal reserve, FOMC, monetary policy, MoneyLife, tax rates / 0 Comments

Scott Martindale  by Scott Martindale
  President & CEO, Sabrient Systems LLC

Falling inflation, weak manufacturing activity, cautious consumer sentiment, and sluggish GDP and jobs growth have conspired to elicit a dovish tone from the Federal Reserve and the likely start of a rate cut cycle to avert recession and more jobs losses. I continue to pound the table that the Fed is behind the curve and should have begun to cut at the July meeting.

Why? Well, here are my key reasons:

1. Although official inflation metrics still reflect lingering “stickiness” in consumer prices, my research suggests that real-time inflation is already well below the Fed’s 2% target, as I discuss in detail in today’s post.

2. Last week’s BLS jobs report shows 66,000 fewer employed workers in August 2024 versus 12 months ago after massive downward revisions to prior reports. And if you dig deeper into the August household survey it gets worse, indicating a whopping 1.2 million fewer full-time jobs (yikes!), partially offset by a big growth in part-time jobs.

3. The mirage of modest GDP and jobs growth has been temporarily propped up by unhealthy and inefficient government deficit spending (euphemistically called “investment”) rather than true and sustainable organic growth from a vibrant private sector that is adept at efficient capital allocation. Thus, despite government efforts to “buy” growth, recessionary signals are growing at home and abroad.

4. The burden caused by elevated real interest rates on surging debt across government, business, consumers at home and emerging markets abroad, and the impact of tight monetary policy and a relatively strong dollar on our trading partners must be confronted.

So, a 50-bps cut at the September FOMC meeting next week seems warranted—even if it spooks the markets. As Chicago Fed president Austan Goolsbee said, “You only want to stay this restrictive for as long as you have to, and this doesn’t look like an overheating economy to me.”

A terminal fed funds neutral rate of 3.0-3.5% seems appropriate, in my view, which is roughly 200 bps below the current range of 5.25-5.50%). Fortunately, today’s lofty rate means the Fed has plenty of potential rate cuts in its holster to support the economy while remaining relatively restrictive in its inflation fight. And as long as the trend in global liquidity is upward (which it is once again), then it seems the risk of a major market crash is low.

Regarding the stock market, as the Magnificent Seven (MAG-7) mega-cap Tech stocks continue to flounder, markets have displayed some resilience since the cap-weighted S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 both topped in mid-July, with investors finding opportunities in neglected market segments like financials, healthcare, industrials, and defensive/higher-dividend sectors utilities, real estate, telecom, and staples—as well as gold (as both a store of value and protection from disaster). However, economic weakness, “toppy” charts, and seasonality (especially in this highly consequential election year) all suggest more volatility and downside ahead into October.

Of course, August was tumultuous, starting with the worst one-day selloff since the March 2020 pandemic lockdown followed by a moon-shot recovery back to the highs for the S&P 500 (SPY) and S&P 400 MidCap (MDY), while the Dow Jones Industrials (DIA) surged to a new high. However, the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) and Russell 2000 SmallCap (IWM) only partially retraced their losses. And as I said in my August post, despite the historic spike in the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), it didn’t seem like the selloff was sufficient to shake out all the weak investors and form a solid foundation for a bullish rise into year end. I said that I expected more downside in stocks and testing of support before a tradeable bottom was formed, especially given uncertainty in what the FOMC will do on 9/18 and what the elections have in store.

In addition, September is historically the worst month for stocks, and October has had its fair share of selloffs (particularly in presidential election years). And although the extraordinary spike in fear and “blood in the streets” in early August was fleeting, the quick bounce was not convincing. The monthly charts remain quite extended (“overbought”) and are starting to roll over after August’s bearish “hanging man” candlestick—much like last summer. In fact, as I discussed in my post last month, the daily price pattern for the S&P 500 in 2024 seems to be following 2023 to a T, which suggests the weakness (like last year) could last into October before streaking higher into year end. Anxiety around a highly consequential election on 11/5 (with counting of mail-in ballots likely to last several days beyond that once again) will surely create volatility.

Many commentators believe the Fed is making a policy mistake, but it goes both ways. Some believe the Fed is turning dovish too quickly because inflation is sticky, the jobs market is fine, and GDP is holding up well, so it risks reigniting inflation. Others (like me) think the FOMC is reacting too slowly because the economy, jobs growth, and inflation are weaker than the mirage they seem, masked by inordinate government deficit spending, misleading headline metrics, and political narratives. As Fed Chair Jerome Powell said at the July meeting, “The downside risks to the employment mandate are now real,” and yet the FOMC still chose to hold off on a rate cut. Now it finds itself having to commence an easing cycle with the unwanted urgency of staving off recession rather than a more comfortable “normalization” objective within a sound economy.

Indeed, now that we are past Labor Day, it appears the “adults” are back in the trading room. As I discuss in detail in today’s post, economic metrics seem to be unraveling fast, stocks are selling off, and bonds are getting bought—with the 2-10 yield curve now “un-inverted” (10-year yield exceeds the 2-year). So, let’s get moving on rate normalization. After all, adjusting the interest rate doesn’t flip a switch on economic growth and jobs creation. It takes time for lower rates and rising liquidity to percolate and reverse downward trends, just as it took several months for higher rates and stagnant liquidity to noticeably suppress inflation. Fed funds futures today put the odds of a 50-bps cut at about 27%.

Nevertheless, stock prices are always forward-looking and speculative with respect to expectations of economic growth, corporate earnings, and interest rates, so prices will begin to recover before the data shows a broad economic recovery is underway. I continue to foresee higher prices by year end and into 2025. Moreover, I see current market weakness setting up a buying opportunity, perhaps in October. But rather than rushing back into the MAG-7 stocks exclusively, I think other stocks offer greater upside. I would suggest targeting high-quality, fundamentally strong stocks across all market caps that display consistent, reliable, and accelerating sales and earnings growth, positive revisions to Wall Street analysts’ consensus estimates, rising profit margins and free cash flow, solid earnings quality, and low debt burden. These are the factors Sabrient employs in selecting the growth-oriented Baker’s Dozen (our “Top 13” stocks), the value-oriented Forward Looking Value, the growth & income-oriented Dividend portfolio, and Small Cap Growth, which is an alpha-seeking alternative to a passive position in the Russell 2000.

We also use many of those factors in our SectorCast ETF ranking model. And notably, our Earnings Quality Rank (EQR) is a key factor in each of these models, and it is also licensed to the actively managed, absolute-return-oriented First Trust Long-Short ETF (FTLS) as an initial screen. Each of our alpha factors and their usage within Sabrient’s Growth, Value, Dividend, and Small Cap investing strategies is discussed in detail in Sabrient founder David Brown’s new book, How to Build High Performance Stock Portfolios, which will be published shortly.

In today’s post, I discuss in greater detail the current trend in inflation, Fed monetary policy, and what might lie ahead for the stock market as we close out a tumultuous Q3. I also discuss Sabrient’s latest fundamental-based SectorCast quantitative rankings of the ten U.S. business sectors, current positioning of our sector rotation model, and several top-ranked ETF ideas. And be sure to check out my Final Thoughts section with some political comments—here’s a teaser: Democrats have held the presidency for 12 of the past 16 years since we emerged from the Financial Crisis, so all these problems with the economy, inflation, immigration, and global conflict they promise to “fix” are theirs to own.

Click here to continue reading my full commentary online or to sign up for email delivery of this monthly market letter. And here is a link to it in printable PDF format. I invite you to share it as appropriate (to the extent your compliance allows).

Scott Martindale  by Scott Martindale
  President & CEO, Sabrient Systems LLC

July saw new highs for the broad market indexes followed by a big fall from grace among the Magnificent Seven (MAG-7) stocks. But it looked more like a healthy rotation than a flight to safety, with a broadening into neglected market segments, as inflation and unemployment metrics engendered optimism about a dovish policy pivot from the Federal Reserve. The rotation of capital within the stock market—as opposed to capital flight out of stocks—kept overall market volatility modest. But then along came the notorious month of August. Is this an ominous sign that the AI hype will come crashing down as the economy goes into a recession? Or is this simply a 2023 redux—another “summer sales event” on stock prices—with rate cuts, accelerating earnings, and new highs ahead? Let’s explore the volatility spike, the reset on valuations, inflation trends, Fed policy, and whether this is a buying opportunity.


Up until this month, a pleasant and complacent trading climate had been in place essentially since the Federal Reserve announced in Q4 2023 its intended policy pivot, with a forecast of at least three rate cuts. But August is notorious for its volatility, largely from instability on the trading floor due to Wall Street vacations and exacerbated by algorithmic (computer-based) trading systems. In my early-July post, I wrote that I expected perhaps a 10% correction this summer and added, “the technicals have become extremely overbought [with] a lot of potential downside if momentum gets a head of steam and the algo traders turn bearish.” In other words, the more extreme the divergence and euphoria, the harsher the correction.

Indeed, last Monday 8/5 saw the worst one-day selloff since the March 2020 pandemic lockdown. From its all-time high on 7/16 to the intraday low on Monday 8/5 the S&P 500 (SPY) fell -9.7%, and the Technology Select Sector SPDR (XLK) was down as much as -20% from its 7/11 high. The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) hit a colossal 67.73 at its intraday peak (although tradable VIX futures never came close to such extremes). It was officially the VIX’s third highest reading ever, after the financial crisis in 2008 and pandemic lockdown in 2020. But were the circumstances this time around truly as dire as those two previous instances? Regardless, it illustrates the inherent risk created by such narrow leadership, extreme industry divergences, and high leverage bred from persistent complacency (including leveraged short volatility and the new zero-day expiry options).

The selloff likely was ignited by the convergence of several issues, including weakening economic data and new fears of recession, a concern that the AI hype isn’t living up to its promise quite fast enough, and a cautious Fed that many now believe is “behind the curve” and making a policy mistake by not cutting rates. (Note: I have been sounding the alarm on this for months.) But it might have been Japan at the epicenter of this financial earthquake when the Bank of Japan (BoJ) suddenly hiked its key policy rate and sounded a hawkish tone, igniting a “reverse carry trade” and rapid deleveraging. I explain this further in today’s post.

Regardless, by week’s end, it looked like a non-event as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 clawed back all their losses from the Monday morning collapse. So, was that it for the summer correction? Are we all good now? I would say no. A lot of traders were burned, and it seems there is more work for bulls to do to prove a bottom was established. Although the extraordinary spike in fear and “blood in the streets” was fleeting, the quick bounce was not convincing, and the monthly charts look toppy—much like last summer. In fact, as I discuss in today’s post, the market looks a lot like last year, which suggests the weakness could potentially last into October. As DataTrek opined, “Investor confidence in the macro backdrop was way too high and it may take weeks to fully correct this imbalance.”

Stock prices are always forward-looking and speculative with respect to expectations of economic growth, corporate earnings, and interest rates. The FOMC held off on a rate cut at its July meeting even though inflation is receding and recessionary signals are growing, including weakening economic indicators (at home and abroad) and rising unemployment (now at 4.3%, after rising for the fourth straight month). Moreover, the Fed must consider the cost of surging debt and the impact of tight monetary policy and a strong dollar on our trading partners. On the bright side, the Fed no longer sees the labor market as a source of higher inflation. As Fed Chair Jerome Powell said, “The downside risks to the employment mandate are now real.” 

The real-time, blockchain-based Truflation metric (which historically presages CPI) keeps falling and recently hit yet another 52-week low at just 1.38%; Core PCE ex-shelter is already below 2.5%; and the Fed’s preferred Core PCE metric will likely show it is below 2.5% as well. So, with inflation less a worry than warranted and with corporate earnings at risk from the economic slowdown, the Fed now finds itself having to start an easing cycle with the urgency of staving off recession rather than a more comfortable “normalization” objective within a sound economy. As Chicago Fed president Austan Goolsbee said, “You only want to stay this restrictive for as long as you have to, and this doesn’t look like an overheating economy to me.”

The Fed will be the last major central bank in the West to launch an easing cycle. I have been on record for months that the Fed is behind the curve, as collapsing market yields have signaled (with the 10-year Treasury note yield falling over 80 bp from its 5/29 high before bouncing). It had all the justification it needed for a 25-bp rate cut at the July FOMC meeting, and I think passing on it was a missed opportunity to calm global markets, weaken the dollar, avert a global currency crisis, and relieve some of the burden on highly indebted federal government, consumers, businesses, and the global economy. Indeed, I believe Fed inaction forced the BoJ rate hike and the sudden surge in US recession fears, leading to last week’s extreme stock market weakness (and global contagion).

In my view, a terminal fed funds “neutral” rate of 3.0-3.5% (roughly 200 bps below the current “effective” rate of 5.33%) seems appropriate. Fortunately, today’s lofty rate means the Fed has plenty of potential rate cuts in its holster to support the economy while still remaining relatively restrictive in its inflation fight. And as long as the trend in global liquidity is upward, then the risk of a major market crash this year is low, in my view. Even though the Fed has kept rates “higher for longer” throughout this waiting game on inflation, it has also maintained liquidity in the financial system, which of course is the lifeblood of economic growth and risk assets. Witness that, although corporate credit spreads surged during the selloff and market turmoil (especially high yield spreads), they stayed well below historical levels and fell back quickly by the end of the week.

So, I believe this selloff, even if further downside is likely, should be considered a welcome buying opportunity for long-term investors, especially for those who thought they had missed the boat on stocks this year. This assumes that the proverbial “Fed Put” is indeed back in play, i.e., a willingness to intervene to support markets (like a protective put option) through asset purchases to reduce interest rates and inject liquidity (aka quantitative easing). The Fed Put also serves to reduce the term premium on bonds as investors are more willing to hold longer-duration securities.

Longer term, however, is a different story, as our massive federal debt and rampant deficit spending is not only unsustainable but potentially catastrophic for the global economy. The process of digging out of this enormous hole will require sustained, solid, organic economic growth (supported by lower tax rates), modest inflation (to devalue the debt without crippling consumers), and smaller government (restraint on government spending and “red tape”), in my view, as I discuss in today’s post.

In buying the dip, the popular Big Tech stocks got creamed. However, this served to bring down their valuations somewhat, their capital expenditures and earnings growth remains robust, and hedge funds are generally underweight Tech, so this “revaluation” could bode well for a broader group of Tech stocks for the balance of the year. Rather than rushing back into the MAG-7, I would suggest targeting high-quality, fundamentally strong stocks across all market caps that display consistent, reliable, and accelerating sales and earnings growth, positive revisions to Wall Street analysts’ consensus estimates, rising profit margins and free cash flow, solid earnings quality, and low debt burden. These are the factors Sabrient employs in selecting our growth-oriented Baker’s Dozen, value-oriented Forward Looking Value (which just launched on 7/31), growth & income-oriented Dividend portfolio, and the Small Cap Growth (an alpha-seeking alternative to a passive position in the Russell 2000).

We also use many of those factors in our SectorCast ETF ranking model. And notably, our Earnings Quality Rank (EQR) is a key factor in each of these models, and it is also licensed to the actively managed, absolute-return-oriented First Trust Long-Short ETF (FTLS) as an initial screen.

Each of our alpha factors and their usage within Sabrient’s Growth, Value, Dividend income, and Small Cap investing strategies is discussed in detail in Sabrient founder David Brown’s new book, How to Build High Performance Stock Portfolios, which will be published this month (I will send out a notification).

Click here to continue reading my full commentary, in which I go into greater detail on the economy, inflation, monetary policy, valuations, and Sabrient’s latest fundamental-based SectorCast quantitative rankings of the ten U.S. business sectors, current positioning of our sector rotation model, and several top-ranked ETF ideas. Also, here is a link to this post in printable PDF format. I invite you to share it as appropriate (to the extent compliance allows). You also can sign up for email delivery of this periodic newsletter at Sabrient.com.

Scott Martindale  by Scott Martindale
  President & CEO, Sabrient Systems LLC

The first half of 2024 looked a lot like the first half of 2023. As you recall, H1 2023 saw a strong stock market despite only modest GDP growth as inflation metrics fell, and H2 2023 continued on the same upward path for stocks despite a slowdown in inflation’s retreat, buoyed by robust GDP growth. Similarly, for H1 2024, stocks have surged despite a marked slowdown in GDP growth (from 4.1% in the second half of 2023 to an estimated 1.5% in the first half of 2024) and continued “stickiness” in inflation—causing rate-cut expectations to fall from 7 quarter-point cuts at the start of the year to just 2 at most.

And yet stocks have continued to surge, with 33 record highs this year for the S&P 500 through last Friday, 7/5. Of course, it is no secret that the primary driver of persistent market strength, low volatility (VIX in the mid-12’s), and an extreme low in the CBOE put/call ratio (around 0.50) has been the narrow leadership of a handful of dominant, innovative, mega-cap Tech titans and the promise of (and massive capital expenditures on) artificial intelligence. But while the S&P 500 is up +17.4% YTD and Nasdaq 100 +21.5% (both at all-time highs), the small cap indexes are flat to negative, with the Russell 2000 languishing -14% below its June 2021 all-time high.

Furthermore, recessionary signals abound. GDP and jobs growth are slowing. Various ISM indexes have fallen into economic contraction territory (below 50). Q2 earnings season kicks off in mid-July amid more cuts to EPS estimates from the analyst community. Given a slowing economy and falling estimates, it’s entirely possible we will see some high-profile misses and reduced forward guidance. So, investors evidently believe that an increasingly dovish Fed will be able to revive growth without revving up inflation.

But is this all we have to show for the rampant deficit spending that has put us at a World War II-level ratio of 120% debt (nearly $35 trillion) to GDP (nearly $29 trillion)? And that doesn’t account for estimated total unfunded liabilities—comprising the federal debt and guaranteed programs like Social Security, Medicare, employee pensions, and veterans’ benefits—estimated to be around $212 trillion and growing fast, not to mention failing banks, municipal pension liabilities, and bankrupt state budgets that might eventually need federal bailouts.

Moreover, the federal government “buying” jobs and GDP in favored industries is not the same as private sector organic growth and job creation. Although the massive deficit spending might at least partly turn out to be a shrewd strategic investment in our national and economic security, it is not the same as incentivizing organic growth via tax policies, deregulation, and a lean government. Instead, we have a “big government” politburo picking and choosing winners and losers, not to mention funding multiple foreign wars, and putting it all on a credit card to be paid by future generations. I have more to say on this—including some encouraging words—in my Final Comments section below.

As for inflation, the Fed’s preferred gauge, Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE, aka Consumer Spending), for May was released on 6/28 showing a continued downward trend (albeit slower than we all want to see). Core PCE came in at just +0.08% month-over-month (MoM) from April and +2.57% YoY. But Core PCE ex-shelter is already below 2.5%, so as the lengthy lag in shelter cost metrics passes, Core PCE should fall below 2.5% as well, perhaps as soon as the update for June on 7/26, which could give the Fed the data it needs to cut. By the way, the latest real-time, blockchain-based Truflation rate (which historically presages CPI) hit a 52-week low the other day at just 1.83% YoY.

In any case, as I stated in my June post, I am convinced the Fed would like to starting cutting soon—and it may happen sooner than most observers are currently predicting. Notably, ever since the final days of June—marked by the presidential debate, PCE release, various jobs reports, and the surprising results in Europe and UK elections, the dollar and the 10-year yield have both pulled back—perhaps on the view that rate cuts are indeed imminent. On the other hand, the FOMC might try to push it out as much as possible to avoid any appearance of trying to impact the November election. However, Fed chair Powell stated last week that the committee stands ready to cut rates more aggressively if the US labor market weakens significantly (and unemployment just rose above the magic 4-handle to 4.1%)—so it appears the investor-friendly “Fed put” is back in play, which has helped keep traders bullishly optimistic. The June readings for PPI and CPI come out later this week on 7/11-12, and July FOMC policy announcement comes out on 7/31.

And as inflation recedes, real interest rates rise. As it stands today, I think the real yield is too high—great for savers but bad for borrowers, which would suggest the Fed is behind the curve. The current fed funds rate is roughly 3% above the CPI inflation forecast, which means we have the tightest Fed interest rate policy since before the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (aka Great Recession). This tells me that the Fed has plenty of room to cut rates and still maintain restrictive monetary policy.

As I have said many times, I believe a terminal fed funds rate of 3.0-3.5% would be the appropriate level so that borrowers can handle the debt burden while fixed income investors can receive a reasonable real yield.

Nevertheless, even with rates still elevated today, I believe any significant pullback in stocks (which I still think is coming before the November election, particularly in light of the extraordinarily poor market breadth) would be a buying opportunity. It’s all about investor expectations. As I’ve heard several commentators opine, the US, warts and all, is the “best house in a lousy [global] neighborhood.” I see US stocks and bonds (including TIPS) as good bets, particularly as the Fed and other central banks inject liquidity. But rather than chasing the high-flyers, I suggest sticking with high-quality, fundamentally strong stocks, displaying accelerating sales and earnings and positive revisions to Wall Street analysts’ consensus estimates.

By “high quality,” I mean fundamentally strong companies with a history of, and continued expectations for, consistent and reliable sales and earnings growth, upward EPS revisions from the analyst community, rising profit margins and free cash flow, solid earnings quality, and low debt burden. These are the factors Sabrient employs in selecting our growth-oriented Baker’s Dozen (primary market for the Q2 portfolio ends on 7/18), value-oriented Forward Looking Value portfolio, growth & income-oriented Dividend portfolio, and our Small Cap Growth portfolio (an alpha-seeking alternative to a passive position in the Russell 2000), as well as in our SectorCast ETF ranking model. Notably, our Earnings Quality Rank (EQR) is a key factor in each of these models, and it is also licensed to the actively managed, absolute-return-oriented First Trust Long-Short ETF (FTLS) as an initial screen.

Each of these alpha factors and how they are used within Sabrient’s Growth, Value, Dividend income, and Small Cap investing strategies is discussed in detail in David Brown’s new book, How to Build High Performance Stock Portfolios, which will be out shortly (I will send out a notification soon!).

In today’s post, I provide a detailed commentary on the economy, inflation, valuations, Fed policy expectations, and Sabrient’s latest fundamentals based SectorCast quantitative rankings of the ten U.S. business sectors, current positioning of our sector rotation model heading into earnings season, and several top-ranked ETF ideas.

Click here to continue reading my full commentary. Or if you prefer, here is a link to this post in printable PDF format. I invite you to share it with your friends, colleagues, and clients (to the extent compliance allows). You also can sign up for email delivery of this periodic newsletter at Sabrient.com.

Scott Martindale  by Scott Martindale
  President & CEO, Sabrient Systems LLC

Last week, the much-anticipated inflation readings for May—and the associated reaction from the Fed on planned rate cuts—was pretty much a non-event. The good news is core inflation continues to gradually fall. The bad news is it isn’t falling fast enough for the Fed. Headline CPI and PPI are pretty much stagnant over the past 12 months. This led the Fed to be mealy-mouthed about rate cuts. One might ask, why does it matter so much what the Fed does when the economy is doing fine, we have avoided recession, wages are growing, jobs are plentiful, unemployment is low, and asset prices are rising?

But the reality is there is a slow underlying deterioration happening from the lag effects of monetary tightening that is becoming increasingly apparent, including a lack of organic jobs and GDP growth (which is instead largely driven by government deficit spending) and a housing market (important for creating a “wealth effect” in our society) that is weakening (with growing inventory and slowing sales) given high mortgage rates that make for reluctant sellers and stretched buyers (notably, the 10-year yield and mortgage rates have pulled back of late just from rate cut talk). Moreover, real-time shelter inflation (e.g., rent) has been flat despite what the long-lagged CPI metrics indicate, and the real-time, blockchain-based Truflation reading has been hovering around 2.2% YoY, which happens to match the April and May PPI readings—all of which are very close to the Fed’s 2.0% inflation target.

Of course, stock market valuations are reliant upon expectations about economic growth, corporate earnings, and interest rates; and interest rates in turn are dependent on inflation readings. Although some observers saw promising trends in some components of May CPI and PPI, Fed chair Jay Powell played it down with the term “modest further progress,” and the “dot plot” on future rate cuts suggests only one or perhaps two rate cuts later this year.

Nevertheless, I continue to believe the Fed actually wants to cut rates sooner than later, and likely will do so during Q3—especially now that central banks in the EU, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have all cut rates. Moreover, Japan is struggling to support the yen with a positive interest rate—but it needs to keep rates low to prevent hurting its highly leveraged economy, so it needs the US to cut rates instead. The popular yen “carry trade” (short the yen, buy the dollar and US Treasuries) has been particularly difficult for the BoJ. All told, without commensurate cuts here in the US, it makes the dollar even stronger and thus harder on our trading partners to support their currencies and on emerging markets that tend to carry dollar-denominated debt. I talk more about this and other difficulties outside of the (often misleading) headline economic numbers in today’s post—including the “tapped out” consumer and the impact of unfettered (wartime-esque) federal spending on GDP, jobs, and inflation.

As for stocks, so far, the market’s “Roaring 20’s” next-century redux has proven quite resilient despite harsh obstacles like global pandemic, multiple wars, a surge in inflation, extreme political polarization and societal discord, unpredictable Fed policy, rising crime and mass immigration, not to mention doors flying off commercial aircraft (and now counterfeit titanium from China!). But investors have sought safety in a different way from the past, particularly given that stubborn inflation has hurt real returns. Rather than traditional defensive plays like non-cyclicals, international diversification, and fixed income, investors instead have turned to cash-flush, secular-growth, Big Tech. Supporting the bullishness is the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), which is back down around the 12 handle and is approaching levels not seen since 2017 during the “Trump Bump.” And given their steady performance coupled with the low market volatility, it has also encouraged risk-taking in speculative companies that may ride coattails of the Big Tech titans.

But most of all, of course, driving the rally (other than massive government deficit spending) has been the promise, rapid development, and implementation of Gen AI—as well as the new trends of “on-premises AI” for the workplace that avoids disruptions due to connectivity, latency, and cybersecurity, and AI personal computers that can perform the complex tasks of an analyst or assistant. The Technology sector has gone nearly vertical with AI giddiness, and it continues to stand alone atop Sabrient’s SectorCast rankings. And AI poster child NVIDIA (NVDA), despite being up 166% YTD, continues to score well in our Growth at Reasonable Price (GARP) model (95/100), and reasonably well in our Value model (79/100).

Nevertheless, I continue to believe there is more of a market correction in store this summer—even if for no other reason than mean reversion and the adage that nothing goes up in a straight line. Certainly, the technicals have become extremely overbought, especially on the monthly charts—which show a lot of potential downside if momentum gets a head of steam and the algo traders turn bearish. On the other hand, the giddy anticipation of rate cuts along with the massive stores of cash in money market funds as potential fuel may well keep a solid bid under stocks. Either way, longer term I expect higher prices by year end and into 2025 as high valuations are largely justified by incredible corporate earnings growth, a high ratio of corporate profits to GDP, and the promise of continued profit growth due to tremendous improvements in productivity, efficiency, and the pace of product development across the entire economy from Gen AI. In addition, central banks around the world are starting to cut rates and inject liquidity, which some expect to add as much as $2 trillion into the global economy—and into stocks and bonds.

On another note, it is striking that roughly half the world’s population goes to the polls to vote on their political leadership this year, and increasingly, people around the world have been seeking a different direction, expressing dissatisfaction with the status quo of their countries including issues like crime, mass immigration (often with a lack of assimilation), sticky inflation, stagnant economic growth, and a growing wealth gap—all of which have worsened in the aftermath of the pandemic lockdowns and acquiescence to social justice demands of the Far Left. Ever since the Brexit and Trump victories in 2016, there has been a growing undercurrent of populism, nationalism, capitalism, and frustration with perceived corruption, dishonesty, and focus on global over local priorities. Not so long ago, we saw a complete change in direction in El Salvador (Bukele) and Argentina (Milei) with impressive results (e.g., reducing rampant crime and runaway inflation), at least so far. Most recently, there were surprises in elections in India, Mexico, and across Europe. Although we are seeing plenty of turmoil of our own in the US, global upheaval and uncertainty always diverts capital to the relative safety of the US, including US stocks, bonds, and the dollar.

I expect US large caps to remain an attractive destination for global investment capital. But while Tech gets all the (well deserved) attention for its disruptive innovation and exponential earnings growth, there are many companies that can capitalize on the productivity-enhancing innovation to drive their own growth, or those that are just well positioned as “boring” but high-quality, cash-generating machines that enjoy strong institutional buying, strong technicals, and strong fundamentals in stable, growing business segments—like insurers and reinsurers for example.

So, I believe both US stocks and bonds will do well this year (and next) but should be hedged with gold, crypto, and TIPS against a loss in purchasing power (for all currencies, not just the dollar). Furthermore, I believe all investors should maintain exposure to the Big Tech titans with their huge cash stores and wide moats, as well as perhaps a few of the speculative names (as “lottery tickets”) having the potential to profit wildly as suppliers or “coat-tailers” to the titans, much of their equity exposure should be in fundamentally solid names with a history of and continued expectations for consistent and reliable sales and earnings growth, rising profit margins and cash flow, sound earnings quality, and low debt.

Indeed, Sabrient has long employed such factors in our GARP model for selecting our growth-oriented Baker’s Dozen portfolio, along with other factors for other portfolios like our Forward Looking Value portfolio, which relies upon our Strategic Valuation Rank (SVR), our Dividend portfolio, which is a growth & income strategy that relies on our proprietary Dividend Rank (DIV), and our Small Cap Growth portfolio, an alpha-seeking alternative to the Russell 2000. Notably, our Earnings Quality Rank (EQR) is not only a key factor we use internally for each of these portfolios, but it is also licensed to the actively managed First Trust Long-Short ETF (FTLS) as an initial screen.

Each of these alpha factors and how they are used within Sabrient’s Growth, Value, Dividend income, and Small Cap investing strategies is discussed in detail in David Brown’s new book, How to Build High Performance Stock Portfolios, which will be published imminently. (I will send out a notification soon!)

In today’s post, I talk more about inflation, the Fed, and the extreme divergences in relative performance and valuations. I also discuss Sabrient’s latest fundamentals based SectorCast quantitative rankings of the ten U.S. business sectors (which, no surprise, continue to be led by Technology), current positioning of our sector rotation model, and several top-ranked ETF ideas. And don’t skip my Final Comments section, in which I have something to say about BRICS’ desire to create a parallel financial system outside of US dollar dominance, and the destructiveness of our politically polarized society and out-of-control deficit spending.

Click here to continue reading my full commentary. Or if you prefer, here is a link to this post in printable PDF format (as some of my readers have requested). Please feel free to share my full post with your friends, colleagues, and clients. You also can sign up for email delivery of this periodic newsletter at Sabrient.com.

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